
Services we provide

Free Introductory Session

Free Introductory Session is for people to have a glimpse and experience of energy healing. You can have a preliminary understanding of the energy blocks of your physical, mental or spiritual planes for your present issues. This will help you to decide to continue with us or seek elsewhere. It also gives us clarity about the sincerity and commitment of you, towards your own betterment. This session would be either one on one online over zoom or just by sharing your details by email. If you find the session helpful and feel guided for further support towards healing, you can further take up our healing and guided Sessions. We don’t diagnose or claim our healing is final and don’t advise you to stop any treatments or Doctor’s advice.

Distant Energy Healing

Distant Energy Healing is defined as an act of awareness, desire, or concentration, dedicated to improving the health or well-being of another person at a distance. Such methods for the purpose of life, defined for thousands of years and referred to by various names, are probably the oldest ancestral medical practice that exists in almost every culture in the world throughout recorded history. Examples include strategies ranging from formal programs (such as remote Reiki) to informal practises (such as informal therapists); from standard programs to expert consultations.

Relationship & Financial Healing

It has nothing to do with budgets or finances; it’s more about our relationship to money. Financial healing is about healing shame and difficult emotions around money so people can make conscious, clear, and free financial choices. No matter your background or money type, a healthy relationship is possible for everyone. Once you know the meaning and values each partner assigns to money, it’s easier to figure out a joint version of what you want and what money messages you want to pass down to your children. Knowledge enables you to be more compassionate and understanding, which means less fighting and more productive money conversations.

Forgiveness Session for Emotional Healing

Forgiveness is a intentional and conscious, decision to release feelings of resentment or hatred towards a person or a situation who ( which) has hurt you, irrespective of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness or reconciliation.

The one on one forgiveness session guides and supports the praticipant to consciously forgive the past resentments and vengeance. It helps immensely for bringing forth peace of mind, Good health, better clarity and relationships.

Divine Energy Transmission for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Evolution & Enlightenment.

Anyone looking for Spiritual progress like Enlightenment and Liberation is guided, supported by having one on one online sessions, with easy techniques, processes and divine transmissions for quick and effortless transformation. Please feel free to contact us and we will get in touch with you.

Consultation and Bach Flower Therapy for Mental & Emotional Healing

Bach flower remedies are an alternative or complementary therapy for emotional problems and pain. They are diluted extracts of flowers of wild plants.
In Let’s heal self we give Bach remedies based on the person’s acute or chronic problems related to body and mind and restore mind-body equilibrium, and helps body to heal itself.

Contact and feel free
to ask about more details

Free Introductory Session

    Distant Energy Healing

      Relationship & Financial Healing

        Forgiveness Session for Emotional Healing

          Divine Energy Transmission for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Evolution & Enlightenment.

            Consultation and Bach Flower Therapy for Mental & Emotional Healing

              Open Chat
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